Once you make the payment, your order is processed quickly. We explain the entire process, from the warehouse to your address. These general terms apply to Portugal, but Press Start also ships to various countries in Europe – for more information on delivery times, shipping costs, and covered countries, please refer to the details available during checkout. All shipments are registered and have tracking available for the customer.
Shipping Costs
We offer Free Shipping on all orders with a value of €30 or more for standard shipments to Portugal (Mainland and Islands). For standard shipments, we choose the carrier that ensures the best logistical capacity based on the ordered products and the available distribution chain at the moment, maintaining all usual quality standards to ensure that the order reaches your home as quickly and in the best possible condition.
If you wish to choose your preferred carrier from the available options, a logistics fee of €2.00 will be added.
For Mainland Portugal and Islands, orders under €30.00 have a fixed shipping cost of €3.00 (which may include additional logistics fees if a carrier is chosen).
For cash on delivery (COD) shipments, a €2 fee will be added, regardless of the order value – this method is not available for pre-order items.
Other countries – For shipments outside Portugal, the list of countries and shipping costs will be calculated and presented at checkout based on the destination country.
Delivery Time
For Mainland Portugal, the shipping method is next business day delivery – all orders with stock availability are expected to be delivered within 1 to 2 business days (after the shipping confirmation date). For the islands, it may take between 4 to 6 business days:
Mainland Portugal: 24h service;
Portugal – Islands: between 4 to 6 business days;
Other countries: information will be available at checkout when selecting the carrier;
We guarantee same-day shipping for orders with immediate stock and confirmed payment by*:
Standard Shipments - 16:00h;
CTT - 15:00h;
DPD - 16:00h;
*In exceptional cases and during peak periods (holiday seasons, Black Friday, or other seasonal campaigns), same-day shipping may be limited close to the cutoff times.
Other notes to consider:
If it is more advantageous for the customer to use a different shipping method than the one selected, we will send a notification informing the new shipping method to ensure the delivery time and quality. If the customer has paid the extra logistics fee, the amount will be refunded to the customer account or via the payment method.
For pre-orders, the estimated shipping date may change depending on the official product release or delivery capacity from suppliers. We always try to ensure shipping before the launch dates to guarantee it arrives in advance!
In the case of purchasing items with different availability within the same order, stock and availability dates will be assessed as specified in point 6 of the Terms and Conditions.
We do not handle deliveries ourselves, so we rely on the effectiveness of the carrier, and deadlines may not be met due to circumstances beyond our control. Weekend and holiday deliveries are not expected, unless part of a seasonal campaign or the carrier's policy.
Order Status
- Awaiting Payment: Your order is already registered in our database and in your customer account. Once the payment is confirmed, we will begin the shipping process.
- Payment Confirmed: Once the payment is confirmed, your order is ready to be separated, packed, and labeled for dispatch as soon as possible.
- Awaiting Stock: In the case of pre-orders or if your order is waiting for a stock replenishment for shipment, the order will remain in this state until it is ready to be shipped.
- Shipped: Your order has been processed for shipping and is either at the shipping dock or has already been picked up by the carrier. After shipping confirmation, it is no longer possible to cancel or change the delivery details.
- Cancelled: The order will be automatically cancelled in case of non-payment within the time limit, if for some reason the order cannot be processed, or in the event of a cancellation or refund request.
- Shipping Anomaly: In the case of lost items, damaged orders, and/or delivery failures, the order status will be updated to this. This status indicates that the original shipment has been canceled, and the corresponding refund or reshipment will be processed.
- Reshipment: In the case of Shipping Anomalies, if requested by the customer, a new order reference will be created with the status of reshipment.
Tracking Order
Along with the email confirmation of your order shipment, you will have access to the tracking code and the associated tracking link, so you can follow the order's distribution.
Please note that the shipment reference takes some time to enter the distribution system, so it may be normal if the tracking takes a while to update.
If you have any questions or need to make a last-minute change, please contact us so we can assist you!
Order Not Arrived
You should ensure that the address you entered is completely correct and that someone is available at the delivery location to receive the order. Check your mailbox to confirm whether the order was left or if you received a delivery attempt notice – in that case, the order will be available for pickup from the next business day at a nearby delivery point.
If there's an issue, we recommend you contact our customer support directly ( so we can check the shipping status and possibly file a complaint – please note that all shipments we make have an internal reference, which is private between the sender and the carrier, and customers do not have access to it.
If there’s a delivery problem and your order is returned to us, we will contact you to either resend it or process a full refund if we haven’t guaranteed your trust and satisfaction – please note that in cases of failed delivery attempts that are beyond Press Start’s control, we may ask for the shipping cost, based on the current rates, or deduct that amount from the order refund.
You can contact our customer support immediately if you believe the order is taking longer than expected to enter the distribution system. However, please consider the following timeframes to start a complaint if the order has not been delivered:
Mainland Portugal: from 4 business days after the shipping confirmation;
Islands and other countries: from 10 business days after the shipping confirmation;
Once we confirm the complaint process with the carrier, there is a timeframe of up to 72 business hours for a resolution to be presented, and only after that period can we initiate the reshipment/refund process, if the order’s location and status have not been updated.